April 21, 2008

En el nombre de Padre, y el Hijo, y el Espiritu Santo

Today was a roller coaster of emotions. I had my mammogram today and as soon as I got to work, I got a call from the hospital to return for more diagnostic pictures and an ultrasound. My mind went into maximum overdrive at this point and I returned to the hospital in 10 minutes. Now, I have to wait until Wednesday for the results. Basically, the radiologist saw something suspicious. The ultrasound tech referred to the readings as architectural something or other.

Then, I had to return to work for medical delegation training...this is training to allow me to give kids their epipens if they have allergic reactions. I left work as soon as that was over.

Called my mom and dad. Called my BFF Jayme. Called Danny.

Then, I picked up Marisa and we went to get her shoes for Confirmation. She got the cutest shoes, but she is a sneaker girl. So, we got the shoes in MY size so I can wear them after Confirmation. We wrapped her sponsor's gift. Honestly, Marisa couldn't have chosen a better sponsor. Surprisingly, her name is Elizabeth, just like Marisa's Saint's name....St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.

Picked up my car from the shop. I have all-wheel drive again....just in time for nothing!

Then, I took Marisa to Confirmation rehearsal. We lucked out big time! Not only is she the first person in the row, she is in the front row. AND, half the ceremony is in Spanish. When Marisa went up to give her Saint's name, she gave her middle name and not her Saint's name. Oops! Must practice between now and Thursday.

Never fear...Dancing with the Stars is taping. Amen

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