October 22, 2008


We have had our share of transitions the past couple of weeks. Here is a brief rundown:

-I started a new job, all the while continuing my current job.
-I was asked back for a second interview at a PRN hospital job, which I'm thinking about doing.
-We left our parish and joined a new parish.
-We pulled our son out of Catholic school and enrolled him in our neighborhood school.
-We enrolled our son in Confirmation classes at the new parish.
-I turned in my notice to fully resign from my current job (not the new one or the PRN one).
-We changed phone services.

So, as you can see, we have had a few transitions in our family. Why? Well, several things have come together, or COLLIDED, I should say for these things to happen. I want to thank you that have supported us. I want to ask others to pray for our family. We are in need of prayers and a few lit candles. I feel like we have been through HELL!


  1. I'm sorry that things have collided. If you're in need of prayers, then prayers you shall get. Hope things start looking up soon.

  2. Angie,

    I am so sorry things have been so tough for you and your family. Many many prayers for you.

    God bless
