October 30, 2008
More Stress
Danny got a call back from the doctor. He saw "something" on the EKG that caused concern. So, Danny had to go get a blood test to rule out heart attack enzymes. We just can't handle anymore stress in our life right now.
October 29, 2008
October 28, 2008
Getting Back To Normal
Bite my tongue, but things have started to settle down around here. I worked 5 long hours today and accomplished alot! I'm learning a new McKesson computer program and with each patient, the process gets easier. Hopefully, I'll get to go to the laptop soon, which means I'll be mobile and can work from home.
Marisa called me from the library...yes, I said the library. She was actually doing research on Booker T. Washington. She asked me to come pick her up at 4pm. Hey! At least she WENT to the library.
About 4:20pm Tony and his friend from his new school waltzed in the door and went straight downstairs to play guitar hero or PS something. Tony sure has adjusted well. He confided that he was "just a public school kid at heart".
Then, Danny walked through the door. He had a doctor's appointment today because he was experiencing chest pains. We thought it was from a cold, but since he is over 40 years old and overweight we thought it best to have it checked out.
Leftovers for dinner. After dinner, Danny and Marisa went to the store to get salad fixings. Yes, I volunteered to provide salads for the parent/teacher conferences at Tony's school tomorrow. I just couldn't help myself.
Now, I'm in my pajamas waiting for Dancing with the Stars. Night to all...
Marisa called me from the library...yes, I said the library. She was actually doing research on Booker T. Washington. She asked me to come pick her up at 4pm. Hey! At least she WENT to the library.
About 4:20pm Tony and his friend from his new school waltzed in the door and went straight downstairs to play guitar hero or PS something. Tony sure has adjusted well. He confided that he was "just a public school kid at heart".
Then, Danny walked through the door. He had a doctor's appointment today because he was experiencing chest pains. We thought it was from a cold, but since he is over 40 years old and overweight we thought it best to have it checked out.
Leftovers for dinner. After dinner, Danny and Marisa went to the store to get salad fixings. Yes, I volunteered to provide salads for the parent/teacher conferences at Tony's school tomorrow. I just couldn't help myself.
Now, I'm in my pajamas waiting for Dancing with the Stars. Night to all...
October 27, 2008
I picked up Marisa from school today. She was in a good mood, chatting all the way home. She had stopped by the cafeteria and bought a Subway sandwich to eat when she got home. So, after lunch, she went upstairs to her room to do homework. I thought I heard her talking, and this is what I found...

She was on the phone with her friend William. All the while, she was doing math homework, actually computing on the graph calculator, never missing a beat. Then, she pulled out her biology homework.
I have no idea if the homework is correct. At this point, I'm not complaining because the work is getting done. I'm glad she is doing the homework in the first place. I can't figure out how she can do anything in that pig-sty of a room. UGH! It is her room....it is her homework.... (repeat)

She was on the phone with her friend William. All the while, she was doing math homework, actually computing on the graph calculator, never missing a beat. Then, she pulled out her biology homework.

October 26, 2008
October 25, 2008
On The Road To Better Days
We went to the last high school football game of the Marisa's 9th grade year. I don't know where we failed as parents, but our kids just aren't into high school football as we were. Maybe it's too cold. As you can tell, the kids are in their Lightning hoodies. Marisa is a squirt next to Tony now. At half time, the cold got the better of us and we headed over to LODO's for a bite to eat. It's a Sports Bar & Grill. I know Tony is growing up because he commented that he was going to bring his "dates" there. Get a job first, son!
Later today Marisa is working "trick or treat street", a high school art club sponsored haunted house for little kids. The halls of the high school are decorated and candy is given out to the little kids. She actually gets volunteer service for this. Danny is going to help out.
Oh! News flash! Danny and Tony are planning on finishing the basement. They are starting with the bathroom (just something else for me to clean up). Danny priced out that it will take about $500 to complete it. I should take before and after pictures, but the before pictures will fade out by the time the after pictures are taken. Remember, we've been "finishing the basement" for 4 years now...
October 22, 2008
We have had our share of transitions the past couple of weeks. Here is a brief rundown:
-I started a new job, all the while continuing my current job.
-I was asked back for a second interview at a PRN hospital job, which I'm thinking about doing.
-We left our parish and joined a new parish.
-We pulled our son out of Catholic school and enrolled him in our neighborhood school.
-We enrolled our son in Confirmation classes at the new parish.
-I turned in my notice to fully resign from my current job (not the new one or the PRN one).
-We changed phone services.
So, as you can see, we have had a few transitions in our family. Why? Well, several things have come together, or COLLIDED, I should say for these things to happen. I want to thank you that have supported us. I want to ask others to pray for our family. We are in need of prayers and a few lit candles. I feel like we have been through HELL!
-I started a new job, all the while continuing my current job.
-I was asked back for a second interview at a PRN hospital job, which I'm thinking about doing.
-We left our parish and joined a new parish.
-We pulled our son out of Catholic school and enrolled him in our neighborhood school.
-We enrolled our son in Confirmation classes at the new parish.
-I turned in my notice to fully resign from my current job (not the new one or the PRN one).
-We changed phone services.
So, as you can see, we have had a few transitions in our family. Why? Well, several things have come together, or COLLIDED, I should say for these things to happen. I want to thank you that have supported us. I want to ask others to pray for our family. We are in need of prayers and a few lit candles. I feel like we have been through HELL!
October 19, 2008
October 18, 2008
The pictures are uploaded! My portion anyway. I'm still waiting on Meg and Lori, but I have a year, right girls?!? So, here is the outside of Traditions Mountain Lodge. B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L! It was so peaceful and relaxing as we drove up the mountain drive.

Next is ONE of the views from my bedroom. My room had a walkout sliding door. We actually saw a deer scurry around. It was SO peaceful (sorry, did I say that already?).

Here is another view from the bottom porch. I had to walk around the way by the mudroom to get this one. Directly above me is the kitchen. And, let me tell you, we ATE well! The food was great, homecooking, right out of Paula Dean's magazines. Our hostess was marvelous!

Now for the interior. This is the downstairs sitting room, just off my bedroom. In the morning, I was the first up (surprised?) and I would start the old-fashioned perculator, sit down, enjoy a cup of coffee and relax..oh, there's that word again!

I have to show you this one...this is the bar in the downstairs sitting room. If you look really closely, you can see the old-fashioned perculator. That's it! That's where I got my coffee each morning. I love sharing!

Now for the good stuff. This is where we cropped all weekend. This room is massive in size! It is located directly above the sitting room and bar where I would wake up early and start the old-fashioned perculator. However, this room was far from relaxing. It was hoppin'! We were Croppin'! My station is the closest to the front. If you look closely, you can see Marisa and Tony on the chopping block.

And, here is my dear, dear friend Lori and Creative Memories consultant extraordinare! She and Megakins (Meg) baked me a German Chocolate Cake from scratch! And, they brought it up in a moving box that I thought was a box full of unorganized photos! The little, sweet, thoughtful sneaks!
It's been one week and I WANT TO GO BACK! I had a fantastic birthday with my friends, buried away in the mountains, working on one of my most favorite hobbies. I recieved phone calls from all my family and friends. It snowed! We ate! We cropped! We laughed! Yes...and it was my birthday! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who took part! I love you dearly! My schedule is open in the spring for another girl trip!
Next is ONE of the views from my bedroom. My room had a walkout sliding door. We actually saw a deer scurry around. It was SO peaceful (sorry, did I say that already?).
Here is another view from the bottom porch. I had to walk around the way by the mudroom to get this one. Directly above me is the kitchen. And, let me tell you, we ATE well! The food was great, homecooking, right out of Paula Dean's magazines. Our hostess was marvelous!
Now for the interior. This is the downstairs sitting room, just off my bedroom. In the morning, I was the first up (surprised?) and I would start the old-fashioned perculator, sit down, enjoy a cup of coffee and relax..oh, there's that word again!
I have to show you this one...this is the bar in the downstairs sitting room. If you look really closely, you can see the old-fashioned perculator. That's it! That's where I got my coffee each morning. I love sharing!
Now for the good stuff. This is where we cropped all weekend. This room is massive in size! It is located directly above the sitting room and bar where I would wake up early and start the old-fashioned perculator. However, this room was far from relaxing. It was hoppin'! We were Croppin'! My station is the closest to the front. If you look closely, you can see Marisa and Tony on the chopping block.
And, here is my dear, dear friend Lori and Creative Memories consultant extraordinare! She and Megakins (Meg) baked me a German Chocolate Cake from scratch! And, they brought it up in a moving box that I thought was a box full of unorganized photos! The little, sweet, thoughtful sneaks!
It's been one week and I WANT TO GO BACK! I had a fantastic birthday with my friends, buried away in the mountains, working on one of my most favorite hobbies. I recieved phone calls from all my family and friends. It snowed! We ate! We cropped! We laughed! Yes...and it was my birthday! Thank you, thank you, thank you to all who took part! I love you dearly! My schedule is open in the spring for another girl trip!
October 15, 2008
St. Nicholas
October 13, 2008
Playin' Catch Up
I'm still trying to get caught up with stuff from my hiatus from life this past weekend. Bear with me, please! I'm looking for my thumb drive to upload my pics. I would probably find it faster if I put down the German Chocolate Cake that my friend Lori made for my birthday. Muah...
October 12, 2008
Birthday Weekend
Sorry it's been a while since my last entry, but I've been in the mountains and I'm still here! I am at a friend's wonderful mountain home. It's been a scrapbook marathon! And, to make it even better, yesterday was my 45th birthday. FORTY-FIVE. Yea, that's right, sometimes I still feel 30ish and other times I feel more like infinity and beyond. Anyway, I'll have to post pictures later because I left my thumb drive at home. I got phone calls from all my family and friends. I've worked on my 2007 scrapbook, made Christmas gift tags, and made a card for Marisa. I've eaten until I grew a third chin, so you know the food is great! My friends made me a German Chocolate Cake from scratch and it was delicious! We saw deer walking in the front yard, watched the snow fall, listened to 80's music, cropped in our flannel pajamas, talked, and laughed all weekend. We leave this afternoon...bummer. Tonight, I will return to reality for tomorrow I have another job interview for a PRN (per diem) Social Work position at the hospital. Happy Sunday, my friends!
October 8, 2008
October 7, 2008
Always On The Go
Today my class went to Cottonwood Farms. As always, we had a blast. I love getting to know our Moms (and Dads) in a setting outside of the classroom.
And, the big news is that I got a new job with Visiting Nurse Association as a Medical Social Worker! I glad to be back in my field and looking forward to this new position! I'm still working part-time at the school, then in the afternoon working for VNA. My kids want me to resign from the school all together, but I can't right now. I really love the kiddos too much. Working in two career fields: education and social work, I will definately have a variety to keep me busy.
Tony wants to be able to hang out at the library longer each day: granted. Marisa wants me to be able to pick her up from school: granted. Danny wants me to make more money: granted. I want to be able to meet everyones' requests and still do what I like to do: GRANTED! So, at this point...win, Win, WIn, WIN!!!
And, the big news is that I got a new job with Visiting Nurse Association as a Medical Social Worker! I glad to be back in my field and looking forward to this new position! I'm still working part-time at the school, then in the afternoon working for VNA. My kids want me to resign from the school all together, but I can't right now. I really love the kiddos too much. Working in two career fields: education and social work, I will definately have a variety to keep me busy.
Tony wants to be able to hang out at the library longer each day: granted. Marisa wants me to be able to pick her up from school: granted. Danny wants me to make more money: granted. I want to be able to meet everyones' requests and still do what I like to do: GRANTED! So, at this point...win, Win, WIn, WIN!!!
October 5, 2008
October 3, 2008
Never a dull moment at the GarzaClan household. That's what I was told by a very sweet co-worker when I showed her the pictures of last night's latest escapade. Now, I will share it with my bloggy friends...
I was watching the Palin-O'Biden debate and twittering political comments when Marisa came downstairs to tell me that she got the comb stuck while blowdrying her hair. What? I couldn't understand what she was telling me due to maniacal laughter. How on God's green earth did she manage that?
I tried to unwind her hair, but to no avail. So, I thought I would cut off the bristles. My thinking was that making the bristles shorter would make it easier to unravel the hair. Nope...wasn't working.
So, Danny came over to help out. He could do it because he can do anything. You know..."the favorite one" and all. Marisa was getting a little worried.
FINALLY! After cutting the comb into tiny little pieces and allowing Marisa's hair to partially dry, Danny was able to save her long, lop-sided bangs. The comb is completely trashed. You can't even tell she had a comb stuck to her head. I was able to photo journal the event, listen to the debate, and twitter at the same time.
Marisa: "Mom, are you gonna blog this, too?"
Marisa: "Mom, are you gonna blog this, too?"
Me: "Yep...never a doubt in my mind."
October 2, 2008
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